is a webpage created and administered by NETSTEL Software Marcin Matusiak spółka jawna with its registered office in Kraków, ul. Prądnicka 41/2.
It may be referred to in these Regulations as the ‘website’, ‘web portal’, ‘webpage’ or ‘’. The user is any person using the website available at in any manner. The concepts of administrator and moderator are used interchangeably and relate to the persons who are in charge of the website.
These Regulations define the terms of the functioning of the website and its use by users. The use of the website means acceptance of these Regulations.
The website available at allows users to add comments and information, with the reservation that such comments and information are:
subject to moderation by the administrator or moderator
the user bears liability for the contents published by him/her on the website available at
No information that is conflicting with law or good customs may be published on the website.
In particular, it is impermissible to:
use vulgar words
insult other people
publish copyright recordings without consent of copyright holders or place links to contents infringing copyright
publish contents related to gambling (in particular on-line sports betting services)
publish erotic contents
publish commercial contents on the webpage (e.g. advertisements in the text and graphic form, commercial invitations)
publish personal data without consent of the data subject, and claim to be someone else
copy the thread that already exist
act to the detriment of the website available at
All texts and elements of the graphic identification of the website published by the editor of the web portal are the editor’s property. Any use of such texts and elements without consent of the website owner is forbidden. The editor accepts the possibility of publication of the materials placed on the website for information purposes, with a clear indication of as the source/author of the text.
The editor reserves that the published contents are for information purposes only. The editor bears no liability for the results of application of the published contents.
The editor reserves the right to unilaterally decide on the content of the website.
The administrator of reserves the right to modify the Regulations at any time.